converged rules

BGA Perspective - September 2017

Tales from the Revenue Recognition Front

With the clock ticking closer to the witching hour, companies are still all over the map when it comes to implementing the new revenue recognition standard. A poor implementation risks significant consequences to financial results, stakeholder confidence and reputation. Lessons are emerging that can help point companies toward new best practices and outcomes. I’m worried. […]

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Keeping Up with Revenue Recognition Oversight and the Coming Changes

Revenue recognition continues to be under the microscope as regulators step up their scrutiny of financial statements. At the same time, businesses, accounting firms and consulting advisors are working to understand the full impact of the coming converged standards. Wise companies will walk parallel paths – one to ensure compliance and their good reputation today

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An Update on the Planned Convergence of U.S. GAAP & IFRS Standards

With the joint FASB/IASB boards reversing recent decisions, companies are understandably reluctant to invest in new processes until final rules are issued. One overarching issue, however, remains clear: The new converged U.S. GAAP and IFRS standards will have a significant impact on how all companies report financial results. Wise companies will find the balance between

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Five Ways to Maximize the Client/Auditor Relationship

As the convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS standards continues, the new rules will have a significant effect on how all companies report financial results and how firms audit those results. Forward-thinking companies and audit firms will act now to maximize their relationships. It’s an old scenario in the world of accounting and financial reporting.

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